ENTPs Make Poor Managers but Exceptional Leaders

I was asked on a forum “how an ENTP can be an effective manager.” My original advice:

  • Look busy.
  • Keep making the rounds.
  • Allow people to know you for your spontaneity and use it as a plus (like you could be checking up on them at any time).
  • Stay available to reach.
  • Find a great ISTJ assistant who naturally thrives on organization.

When I try too hard to stay organized, I usually end up exhausting all of my effort into creating the organizational tool (that’s just me personally). I find that by staying in motion and in touch with every department, your natural Ne will pick up on the missing pieces. I could spend ten hours inventing a method to stay on top of everything, or I could simply walk around and allow it to happen naturally.

ENTPs don’t make good “traditional managers,” but can still be quite effective, even in traditional corporate environments (if the structure isn’t too rigid).

To add upon my earlier half-joking statements about “looking busy and keep making the rounds,” or my support of getting an ISTJ secretary, the true power of an ENTP manager / leader comes from their ability to delegate, empower, and encourage. It is this quality that makes for poor ENTP managers but exceptional ENTP leaders.

ENTPs don’t want to demand stuff of others, because we hate it when it’s done to us. However, an ENTP can delegate out responsibilities by simply asking, explaining why it’s important, and making their subordinates feel empowered and trusted. This makes an ENTP manager / leader a force to be reckoned with, and soon you’ll have the staff working with you to accomplish the goals, not simply working for you out of fear of reprimand.

Surprise me

The staff will respect and trust you, because you respect and trust them. I know it sounds cliché, but it actually works. Employees will work HARDER for you than any other type of manager, or should I say, leader. Good luck!

Facebook to federal agents: No, you don’t get to create fake profiles to ensnare suspects


– what he should have said.

Facebook is serious about real people using real names on its service. After initially cracking down on drag queens, the social network is going after the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency for using fake profiles.

IMO: Awesomeness…

Mark is doing the right thing. By allowing authorities to do crap like this is absolutely the worst way to create much worse problems than they are trying to prevent.

These people are employed by the citizens (through taxation), to act in our best interest, but in reality, are more concerned with the war on drugs, than the war on hate.

This makes them no better than pedophiles luring in young children, scammers luring in identity theft victims, and it only slows down our ability to Fix the BIGGER picture:

The “War on Boundaries,” meaning that we, as citizens of this planet, should be able to communicate amongst ourselves and to any other society, without government intervention. What led to the “Arab Spring,” is now trying to be disrupted, right here in “The Land of the Free.”

Don’t get me started on the war on drugs, which turns people who, at worst, were messing up their own personal lives, and turns them into actual criminals. Of course, cannabis is still considered “Schedule One” (meaning it has absolutely zero possible medical benefits), so it has been illegal for researchers to discover that it is the one plant with more potential medical uses than anything.

The Average Ratio of Chemicals Found in Cannabis:
IMG_5148.JPGTHC, is the tiny light blue sliver… The stuff that is strictly pleasure, although, in healthy usage, even that has medical benefits to help with everything else…

The man responsible for turning it into a Schedule One drug back in 1970, has already openly confessed his mistake, the evidence confiscated that exposed how the drug companies already discovered this, and made it a primary effort to spread misinformation about it, out of the very possible fear that it will cure cancer.

Yes, the wave of decriminalized regulations is sweeping the country, but why the hell was every leader in our country on TV the next day demanding immediate, emergency actions to fully allow testing to be done nationwide.

I’m not talking about letting people do it, although that’s happening already, I’m saying that when the guy who made it officially unhealthy admits he was lied to, completely screwed up, and produces a film proving this, if any leader in this country had the lives of their people as a top priority, things would have changed immediately.

“WEED” is about 6 people, forced to illegally acquire alternative medication, and their desperate attempt to cure of themselves of diseases that doctors said were uncurable, untreatable, and there is no longer any reason to keep trying….

All of them: Alive. 100% healthy. 2 of them were little children…

IMG_5171.JPGThese are not my opinions (though I agree 100%), but rather the man, once misled by these people. He goes on to say about how we’ve been lied to as people for 70 years, and that he will devote the rest of his life trying to undue him indirectly preventing countless deaths.

I’d be slightly more understanding, if they were entrapping pedophiles or an identity thief – people who are actively ruining other people’s lives. What we need to realize is that, as much as it saddens me to say this, they’re worse than those people, because they do it in a guise of trying to help us out and keep us safe.

They keep us from curing, so they can profit off the horrendously excruciating drug cocktails that let us live a tiny bit longer.

They care about $$$… and not completely out of fear that they will be put out of business, because even if cannabis end up having 1 million medical uses, those pharmaceutical companies could adjust the way they do things to create those products. However, it is not out of fear that they will be put out of business.

We have to face the truth, as much as it hurts, in order to ever solve this:

They make more money by NOT curing or preventing diseases, then using desperation to sell hope. Hope in the form of 30 year old medical science. That’s how long it’s been since we’ve made any noticeable advancements on chemotherapy.

Medical Science 3 decades old… sounds a lot to me like the pyramid scheme of snake oilers. The only ones who can change this is all of us. THAT is why they use privacy scares to keep us down, just like in horrific countries.

Are YOU going to let this happen?

Click here to read the actual article.

Haters Hate, Creators Create

Haters, haters, haters: they will always keep on hating,
So, give exactly zero fucks to what they say, and keep creating.
Dream so big and weird, that everyone will think you’re “nuts,”
Then, laugh until it makes you cry, while counting up your bucks.

Enjoy what you have earned… After all, you do deserve it,
But don’t forget the little guy who’s thinking he’s not worth it.
For some reason, he didn’t walk the “recommended” path,
Plus, Life’s a ‘number’s game;’ he just got left out in the math.

A day, not long ago, that lonely lunatic was you!
Remember how it felt thinking there’s nothing you could do?
You’ve finally made it to the promised land, why ever leave?
The goal was never wealth, but getting hopeless to believe.

  • Not Chris Hoeller

How Technology could Cause an Instant Global Awakening

Imagine technology that enabled 2 people’s brains to momentarily sync.

In in instant, both people would immediately not just know every thought and action each other has ever had. They would actually have experienced it (as far as they know).

Now, imagine that same technology scaled large enough to “sync” every single person on the planet, for 60 seconds.

Instant Global Awakening.

For geeks, think of:

  • Telepathy (aka Professor X).
  • Vulcan Mind Meld.

It’s the same thing, but instead of cool but impossible magic powers (Trust me that would be “Plan A,” but my extensive research of trying to grab the remote control using “The Force,” isn’t looking very promising at the moment.

However, we can invent… and as impossible as this idea sounds, it could be done, with immense R&D, a bottomless pit of money, and a lifetime.

Most (or all) of the people starting the project would never live to see the result, but it would give your life purpose. We’d be building heaven, but never get to go…

What about our kids?

…and theirs?

Randomly thought of that… the same effect is happening with the gradual extinction of privacy, and our ability to instantly communicate.

It’d still be faster, but then you run into:

Is it wrong to force everyone to do something once, if it means putting an end to so much pain? Who gets to make that decision?

Have Ideas.
Be Wrong.

How to Design the Workplace to Increase Effectiveness and Retain Top Talent

Experience Designing the Workplace

A hot topic in modern business, Customer Experience has an equally important cousin: Employee Experience.

What is Employee Experience?

Employee experience is using a blend of psychology, personality types, observable behavior, interests, mental and physical ability, styles of learning, game theory, and gamification to create a custom tailored workplace.

Everything that can be customized to increase a person or group’s effectiveness will be customized.

Quantified Self:

Collecting a person’s blend of individual personality type, observable behavior, interests, preferred style of learning, mental abilities, physical abilities, and experiences is essentially used to create their Quantified Self. This is a new concept called Humanistic Intelligence.

All of these factors are collected by certain tests, mixed with monitoring a person’s activities through the technology they use, along with wearable monitoring devices (to capture things that cannot easily be observed, such as mental or physical stress.

The Layout of the Workplace:


Inspired by Pixar, the entire floor plan of the office is specifically designed to promote accidental, spontaneous collaboration and maximize creativity. However, this takes it one step further, because instead of using rules-of-thumb about human psychology to create the environment, the quantified selves of the actual employees customize what can be customized.

The Software and Equipment Used to Perform the Job:

All the software programs are customized, so that employees intuitively know and clearly understand what is expected of them. By completely “knowing” a person, everything that this person interacts with can be customized to enhance their effectiveness and quality of life.

What About Privacy?

This will be a controversial topic, as this can be seen as an invasion of privacy. In my opinion, it should remain a controversial topic, so that it is constantly being evaluated. This way, we can make sure that the ethics of how such data can be collected and for what purpose is under continual review.

Yes, there is the potential abuse of such data collection. However, that doesn’t mean that it should not be used. There is a chance that I’ll be killed in a car crash on the way to work. That doesn’t mean I should not use a car. However, it does mean that the safety of using automobiles should always be discussed, debated, and improved.

Ultimate Goal:


Essentially, the end goal is making people better at doing their job, while at the same time making it easier and more enjoyable. If done correctly, Employee Experience should be a win-win scenario for the business and the individual.

Making what the employees are supposed to do, what they want to do. Creating an environment custom-tailored to enhance both the effectiveness and enjoyment of the employee.

Google Glass Will Become the “Calculators” of the Medical Industry (and Several Others)

Doctor Glass


Google Glass is Going to Medical School

The University of California at Irvine (UCI) School of Medicine announced that it’s integrating the iconic wearable tech into its four-year curriculum for medical students.

Glass Finds its First Professional Home

Google has had the #glassexplorers program, which allows individuals to buy #Glass for personal use, but they have also donated pairs of +Google Glass to various industries and professions. 

This was to see which industries found usage of the device beneficial, right out of the box. By “right out of the box,” I mean using the product as it now exists, which is essentially glasses with a built-in camera and a display that projects an Augmented Reality menu to navigate (along with a few basic apps). 

The Future of Glass

Possibilities are endless. Along with releasing the base models of #Glass, Google also released Glass’s API. This means that, as we speak, developers from all over the world are testing out and building Apps made specifically for the device. 

In general, it’s mutually understood that eventually #Glass will be able to (at least):

  • Automatically identify objects and people, using facial recognition and object recognition (remember Google Goggles?).
  • Determine which objects or people are relevant to the user.
  • Present useful data, relevant to the user, about the world around them, in an augmented overlay.

All of this will happen in real-time, and only in ways that will help the user. It will be possible, but horrific, for #Glass to identify everything in view and present information about it. The idea is that #Glass will become smart enough to know when to present what info: 

“Technology that’s there when you need it, and invisible when you don’t.”

This is my paraphrasing of Glass’s original mission statement, and is the entire reason for its existence. The idea is that technology is awesome and helps us in so many ways, but has negatively affected our social behavior. We text and drive, text and walk, text and eat, surf and poop, google while having conversations, and are constantly looking down at a screen.

With glass, we’re accepting that technology is too beneficial and enjoyable to cut from our lives. We’re also accepting that our current set up is not an ideal one. We’re smarter, more globally connected, and more productive, but at the cost of being less social (in life) and less engaged in our surroundings.

Wearable Technology is Born to Bring us the Best of Both Worlds

With wearable tech devices, such as Glass, we do not have to choose either being immersed in technology or being engaged in the real world. We will be able to have our cake and eat it too.

Getting to that point will take a bit of time, advancement of the technology, trial and error, and lots of tweaking (not twerking). However, it is a certainty, since all the foundational building blocks are already there. 

Come back in a decade, and you’ll see a different, improved society.

The Medical Industry has demonstrated the strongest immediate benefit of utilizing this new technology. The video/audio and communication capabilities of Glass are the primary functions being used, now, but more uses will come…

Doctors Using Glass ~2024:

  • A doctor, wearing #Glass, walks into a patients room.
  • Glass automatically identifies the patient, using facial recognition.
  • Glass pulls up the patient’s medical records.
  • Glass displays the most relevant aspects of the records in an augmented overlay being projected directly into the doctor’s eye, so only he can see the info.
  • The doctor says, “OK Glass, let’s do a physical exam.”
  • Glass opens up a medical app for performing physical examinations on patients.
  • The questions that the doctor needs to ask the patient pop up in his display.
  • As he asks the questions, Glass records the patient’s responses, converting speech to text, filling out the exam.
  • After the questions are complete, Glass displays the next steps for the doctor (i.e. Check blood pressure, heart rate, reflexes, temperature, ear check, throat check, etc.).
  • In real-time, the Medical app is not only filling out the forms automatically, it is trained to spot certain patterns.
  • This advanced pattern recognition compares live, incoming data, the patient’s history, and a database of medical knowledge, #Glass pops up a recommended diagnosis of the patient.


Yes, I know exactly what I’m implying.

This gadget, considered a high-tech, $1,500 novelty-toy by the mainstream, could essentially replace doctors (as we know them) in as soon as a decade. I don’t think doctors will be eliminated, by any means, but I do see a future where Medical school is 2 – 4 years of schooling plus another 2 – 4 years of hands-on training. 

Google Glass will be the Calculators of the Medical Industry (and Several Others):

You can do complicated math problems, manually, but why would you waste the time? Do it quick on the calculator, cut time and errors, and then spend the extra time doing something actually beneficial.

Same as the future of medicine… Keep doctors, but will it be necessary for that much schooling, memorizing hoards of information, to make a diagnosis that a device can do faster and more accurately?

Doctors of the Future

  • Learn the basics of the industry.
  • Become a master of the tools.
  • Reduce education cost and time.
  • Improve ability to diagnose complex illnesses (Some illnesses may be so complex that they now cannot be discovered).

Also, use the exponentially increased productivity to:

  • Personalize treatment.
  • Invest more in research.
  • Provide medical care in places of the world with a shortage of doctors.







How to Get Endorsed for Skills on LinkedIn

Getting more endorsements on LinkedIn for skills — applicable both to yourself and the types of job you seek — is an important aspect of any modern career development.

It used to mean that if someone was active on LinkedIn = they’re looking for a job. Times have changed. Now, it is accepted that people use LinkedIn… actually it’s expected.


  • To manage their network of professional connections.
  • To share their ideas and tips with others in your field.

  • To seek advice for a professional challenge you’re facing.

  • To give advice out to others for a professional challenge that they face.

  • To expand your network (more connections = more visibility & more chances of being discovered).

  • To always be ready. Your résumé, essentially, is in a constant state of keeping up to date.

  • To connect with people that might be able to help you get the job you want.

  • To connect with people that you’re considering for recruitment.

Personally, I invest an equal amount of effort adding contacts that could potentially help me or with whom I someday may want to recruit for myself. I also help connect others to their destinations, when I can.*

* = See “Law of Reciprocation” at the end.


  1. Establish & maintain continuous, gradual expansion of your network of connections.
  • Endorse other people often.

  • Done.


    If you endorse “Joe” for a skill he has, the probability that Joe will endorse you for a skill increase exponentially.

    When you do something nice to someone, they feel compelled to return the favor. This is especially true on LinkedIn, with the endorsement of skills, because to do so is extremely simple, easy, and not time-consuming.


    Personality Types: The Result of Humanity’s Evolution?

    A Sensors role is to maintain and protect society, and they tend to think in a one-by-one manner, when it comes to concepts.

    An intuitive’s role in society is to innovate, design, enhance, invent, and lead during times of great change or chaos. They tend to think about a million different things at the same time, lol.

    I like to look at personality types from an evolutionary standpoint.

    Personality types evolved into the psyche of individuals, because each type of personality carries out a certain role or function in society. Therefore, it is the mix of all different types, each taking up a certain portion of the population.


    The percentage of a specific type when compared to the entire population is not relevant to how important that type is.

    Society, Nature, The World, Time, Magic, God, and Mayor McCheese all combined forces to figure out what society needed to survive, progress, and continue to enhance.

    If you travel far enough into the future, the past will come back to you.