Who Wants to Build a Startup with Me and Get Super Rich While Changing the World?


Who wants to change the world (and make some serious cash doing it)?


I have the concept and the knowledge… I need a small team who want to change the world.


I really want to develop a new Personality Type testing system, more advanced than the standard MBTI (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator). There is so much useful information scattered about the internet, it’s just that you have to look in a million different places and put the pieces together yourself.

As an ENTP, I’m super excited about this challenge and am very knowledgeable about the subject. I’ve even studied up on Socionics, which is like twice as complicated as the MBTI.

I want to build the test, and then make a website, perhaps even an app that:

  • Allows you to take a real test, and then has detailed, complete information about your type. I’m also wanting to go as far as inter type relations (how your type interacts with other types).

I need a few people that can help me out. As an ENTP, I’m a natural collaborator and brainstormer. If I try to complete the project by myself, it’ll honestly never happen.


I think if we could build an app for iOS and Android, we could perhaps even turn this whole thing into a startup company. I met a gentleman yesterday who has a ton of money, and is looking for a creative way to invest it. For example, he’s in the process of buying 85 used houses, remodeling them, and then flipping them for profit. So, he’s got serious cash.

Not only that, but we could include in the app various types of feedback to find out what kind of music they like, what hobbies they are into, where they work. We could use that data to create a quantified self, and I think we could sell that data for big bucks.

This is the future, ladies and gentleman…


But, I absolutely need a few good people to help me with this.

Please let me know if you would be interested in developing this project with me. Anyone who gets involved in the pre-investment stage would be made a part owner of the business. We could actually make some serious cash here, guys.


I have a couple job interviews in the next few weeks, but if this would absolutely be my first choice if we could work it out. We could be the team, the originals, the Mark Zuckerbergs and Shawn Parkers… the Steve Jobs and whoever the hell he worked with. We would be in control and in it from the beginning.

People love this Personality Type stuff, and I know that we can do it much better.


MBTI breakdown for Men and Women

IGMen IGWomen

Cognitive Information Functions


MBTI Chart


Socionics-based Inter Type Relations Chart


Socionics Chart for the Different Types.

They have different terminologies, for example an ENTP is an ILE in Socionics (It stands for Logical Intuitive Extrovert). Logical being the Thinking functions, Intuitive being the Intuitive Function, and Extrovert for Extrovert. The reason there is only 3 letters vs 4 is because of the order they are placed in. They don’t need a J or a P at the end to identify the type, it goes by what order the letters are in.

Socionics: Types by Quadra

What the Hell are Those Symbols?

Each of those symbols represents a different cognitive function. The triangle is Intuition, the circle is Sensing, the square is Logic (Thinking), and the L-shaped thing is Ethics (Feeling). The Dark ones represent extraverted functions, and the White ones represent introverted functions.


Duality in Socionics

One of the strongest variations from MBTI is the belief in “Duals.” These are two different personality types that compliment each others’ strengths and lessen their weaknesses. It is said that “Duals” are IDEAL companions / mates, as they together form an almost Yin-Yang like full entity.

The Dual Functions:


Cognitive / Information Functions and their Interaction with Each Other.

They compliment / contradict each other, according to socionics. It’s a brilliant philosophy, but it was abandoned by the inventor of the system (who came from Soviet Russia) several years ago. Nobody has taken up the reigns to fully flesh out the system and simplify it for the regular non-sociologist. THAT is the objective of the startup.

Socionics is a branch of psychology that studies relationships between psychological types.

It is based on somewhat modified system of psychological types described by C.G.Jung in his Psychological Types (1916, 1920 etc.) and Tavistock Lectures (1935).

You also know a different version of Jungian typology known as the Myers-Briggs Type Theory (MBTT). It is based on the test called Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI). It is well known in the US, and for the last years in Europe as well.

The Myers-Briggs Type Theory is sometimes confused with socionics, although there are some differences between these two theories. Let us describe them shortly:

  1. Different methods of type evaluation. MBTT almost completely relies upon tests, while socionics from the beginning developed alternative methods – determining type by interviewing, observation, etc. Verbal testing is considered as a secondary, not primary method, because it says nothing about the nature of types. This does not mean that tests are not known in socionics. For example we the authors of this article developed the Socionic Multifactor Test, which we are going to discuss below. In the last years socionics focuses on biological parameters of types.
  2. Somewhat different definitions of the 4 basic type criteria. In MBTT, the type is defined as 4 basic choices: extraversion (E) or introversion (I), sensing (S) or intuition (N), thinking (T) or feeling (F), judgment (J) or perception (P). Socionics uses terms logic/ethic – instead of thinking/feeling, and rationality/irrationality – instead of perception/judgment. However, more important is the contents of these definitions, they do not always coincide.
  3. Intertype relationships. Although several representatives of MBTT proposed their own views on compatibility between the Myers-Briggs types, a thorough theory of intertype relationships does not exist in MBTT. By contrast, Socionics, from the very beginning, was created as a theory describing and explaining some regularities of relations between people.

On the other hand, there is also a lot in common between these two theories. Main fields of application are the same: family and business consulting, education etc. When first publications about MBTT appeared in the former USSR (a very short overview appeared in 1984, and several popular books were translated since 1994), socionists found a lot of useful information there. We believe in fruitful cooperation between these two branches of Jungian typology is possible; we should not forget about the differences, but we believe they can be resolved.

Here are some links that go into depth more about the way the functions interact with each other (and it goes into much more detail about socionics:

I know it’s a little tricky and complex, but that’s the point. We make it simple and user-friendly and we disrupt society.








10 thoughts on “Who Wants to Build a Startup with Me and Get Super Rich While Changing the World?”

  1. If this is a joke or something, then I’m outrageously disappointed because I’m madly in love with personality types based on Jung as well and planning for my Jungian software programming thesis.

    If this isn’t a joke, then I’ll come with you if this offer still open.

    in case you’re wondering, I’m a LII. And a woman. And pardon for grammatical errors. 🙂


      1. And do you need my help? If you do, I’ll tell you how could I help you. If you don’t, then I could more focus on my tasks.
        And yeah, I hate uncertainty…

        🙂 although I’m LII, I’m not really rude, don’t worry. I won’t start to pick up debates or fighting with anyone, hahaha.


      2. Absolutely! Do you use Google+? How did you find this blog, j/w?

        As far as help goes:

        I’m absolutely brilliant with coming up with ideas, providing insight, improving upon other people’s ideas, but I’m absolutely terrible with organizational skills, staying on one task for more than a short period of time. I work best in an environment where I can just show up and bam here are some fantastic ideas, brainstorm it through with someone, but as far as actually carrying out the “plans,” I need someone with a stronger sense of structure to keep everything flowing. Someone that understands my strengths and weaknesses, and compliments them with their own different ones. We cover each others’ weak spots and allow ourselves to focus on being the best at what we are best at, without judging the other person for being the way that they are. As someone who studies up on personality types, you will appreciate that we all have plusses and minusses, and the LII makes a great business partner with a ILE because of this.

        This pair will qualitatively analyze problems from two opposite sides, which allows partners to achieve deeper insights into the root matter. Thus mirror relations are beneficial in one-on-one discussions. However, in public one can observe a rather unhealthy tendency for competition in these relations.

        Mirror partners strive for accuracy and clarity in relations, which leads them to subject everything to analysis. They even have a tendency to rationally analyze each other and sort out all information they obtained. Thus, mirror partners make many interesting discoveries about each other and unlock many new abilities. These relations encourage self-introspection and in-depth reflection. Mirror partners always emphasize the “other side of the coin” for one another – an aspect of the problem that has escaped the attention of the other partner. In this way, a partial picture is filled in to make it complete, which leads to positive results in joint professional and intellectual work. Each partner nevertheless insists on his own opinion, although he will take into account the arguments of the opposing side. There is no merger of opinions here, only improvement of one’s views by complementary suggestions and views of the partner, which grow more and more divergent over time.


      3. Marvelous, I’m rubbish at social media. I’ll activate my account again, please wait up.
        I found your blog by accident, I’m almost snickered with the content–sounds like an ENTP for me, before you get bored then move on another projects.

        I’m agree, pretty much show The Rationalists type relation to each other, no warm fuzzy hugs, no hot chocolate for cold soul, not that I’m complaining though. And yes, I like make a plan and excute it, but most uncomfortable part is we have to know every single person on environtment so that we could put them on their fullest potentials–which means, we have to out and socialize or sit on room full of people. It might be easy for you, but a bit annoying for me.
        – For part : ‘rationally analyze each other’, I’d like to add that no more type bigots here. Not that I see you as one of them, though.
        – I’ll read more for this section, still needs data. I found many doubts for Socionics, MBTI, and cognitive functions, this is a long way to go.

        Yes, I’m not using my real-name, just so you know… and pardon for rudeness and grammatical errors.


      4. Hazell,

        Sorry for taking so long to reply, I haven’t been on WordPress in a while. I’m definitely not a type bigot, although I know exactly what you’re talking about. I look at personality types as a heuristic, a broad rule of thumb with many fine coincidences. There’s definitely something to it, but to take that information and apply improperly to judge or write off someone is totally wrong. It’s all in the application of data, of which I still feel needs much more research. There is significantly more research that could be done. Some people take the test and then get a superiority complex over their particular type or think they know everything there is to know about someone else, simply based on type. Personality type is merely one aspect of what makes us who we are: genetics, environment, upbringing, experience all make us unique. I am an ENTP, but I am not the same as any other ENTP. There are certain aspects about me which make me similar in many ways, but like I said, it’s just a rule of thumb. There is a fine line, and we have a responsibility to treat the issue with respect.


  2. Hello,
    My name is Craig Domenicucci and I am Chief Executive Officer of iSocion LLC. You probably want to check us out, as we are undertaking what you are describing above. We have a presence on facebook (iSocion) and anyone can join the iSocion Project on our website by logging in with their facebook account. http://www.isocion.com


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